3 Hot Tips For Customized Cosmetic Labels This Summer
This entry was posted on June 26, 2013
.Keep up With Summer Skin Care Trends With Customized Cosmetic Labels
Summer's here, and manufacturers in the personal care industry can take advantage of the spike in beauty product sales in the coming weeks by revamping their marketing strategy with customized cosmetic labels. The change in temperatures means shoppers across the country are altering their personal care routine by adding products that will keep their skin healthy and boost their appearance this summer. To guarantee your items become part of consumers' everyday primping, catch their attention with attractive, unique cosmetic product labels.
Labels for Cosmetics Can Give Your Brand a Summer Makeover Based on industry research trends, here are three tips to boost your brand's visibility this summer by investing in high-quality labels for cosmetics.
- Flaunt Summer Colors With Hot Product Labels: Online retailer Amazon recently revealed its top-selling summer beauty products to Racked. According to the retail and shopping news source, hot-selling makeup items are those that complement a summer glow and add a vibrant hue to consumers' cheeks, eyelids and nails. Let your products command attention in stores and online by embellishing them with the bold colors summer shoppers want. Custom printing options grant manufacturers a vast array of tones and tints to choose from and create vibrant, classy designs.
- Cosmetic Label Printing Can Get the Right Info on Your Labels: With digital cosmetic label printing, you don't have to worry about fitting product information onto packaging. The high-quality printing technique can place small, yet legible print and recognizable images on labels. This is especially important for products that protects users from UV rays: many of Amazon's best-sellers were skin care products. Today, more people than ever before are aware of the skin damage sun can cause. In fact, a recent study conducted in Australia that found wearing sunscreen every day can significantly reduce skin aging has received a ton of media attention. As consumers shop for skin care products this season, you can reassure them your products will keep them safe and healthy by including the information on your packaging.
- Let Your Labels Reach Different Consumer Groups: While effective branding involves catering to a very specific audience, manufacturers shouldn't glance over consumers who may not fit into their cookie-cutter target demographic but could become loyal customers if marketed to effectively. According to Houston-area broadcast station CW39's News Fix, a once-unlikely group of consumers is responsible for a hefty portion of cosmetic sales: men. Last year, men spent $5 billion on moisturizers, concealers, powders, bronzers and other beauty products, the source reported.
To make sure your brand resonates with male and female consumers, you can test out different product labels.
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