4 Tips for Uncorking a Stand-Out Wine Label Design
This entry was posted on July 16, 2014
.Wine Label Design is an Important Part of the Overall Package
If a picture's worth 1,000 words, it's important the wine label design is up to snuff. Crafting the perfect wine is a detail-rich task, as subtle flavors and smells can make or break a fine wine. The same can be said about bottle labels - every detail and color used on labels should be there for a specific purpose. This can elevate the brand and establish the wine as being a product enthusiasts really want to consume.
Conversely, a bland wine label can send the wrong message to customers or may even lose the vintner precious sales. A subdued label may not be optimal for a refreshing summer wine. At the same time, an elegant label on a value-priced wine bottle may cause consumers to overlook it. Simply being over-generic hinders winemakers' ability to stand out on store shelves. There are numerous ways vintners can go wrong.
However, there are a few steps winemakers can take to craft the ideal wine bottle:
1. Understand Current Wine Bottle Labels
What message do current wine bottle labels send to customers? As Practical Winery noted, few vintners actually consider how customers interpret their labels. They know the message, but their customers may see something differently, which could lead to suboptimal results. If vintners think eloquent but customers think generic, there is a big problem with the label.
2. What Should Wine Bottle Labels Say?
Once winemakers understand the message they are sending to customers through their wine bottle labels, they need to think of what they want to say with their labels. Just as a fine wine complements good food, the label should support the wine it's promoting. Is the wine something customers should bring to their friends' house for a party? Or is it something that should only be consumed at special occasions? Is it something that consumers should give as a gift? These are all important considerations.
3. Design Multiple Labels and Pick the One that Best Suits the Intended Direction
Focus testing is an important part of creating a representative label. Winemakers should design a variety of different labels and ask what others think of them. The key here is finding the right label that matches what vintners are trying to convey with their wines - the more designs they have, the more likely they are to find one that fits the intended message.
4. Get the Label Printed Up
Once winemakers have decided on their final label, they need to get it printed. This is where custom label and sticker printing companies, such as Lightning Labels, come in handy - theycan provide vintners with a proof and other options to ensure their final labels look just as good as they envisioned. The printing process can be a daunting one, since the final image can vary slightly depending on the paper material and adhesive used, which is why it's important to work with a company that can provide winemakers with proofs.
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