Amp Up Your Custom Labels For The Growing Number Of Label Readers
This entry was posted on April 02, 2013
.Are Custom Labels Giving Health-Conscious Consumers The Right Info?
Lightning Labels, a custom labels and digital printing leader, is spreading the word about a new consumer trend to help manufacturers best reach target audiences.
U.S. shoppers are becoming increasingly health-conscious and are educating themselves more on the basics of nutrition. Even though New Year's resolution season was months ago, consumers are still eyeing nutraceutical labels and product packaging as they search for foods, beverages and other items that help them lead a healthy lifestyle.
According to research from the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, people who read nutrition labels tend to be healthier than those who don't. The results, coupled with initiatives like Citizens for Health's Read Your Labels campaign, are reminding consumers of the importance of learning about products and their makers before heading to the cash register. That means shoppers are focusing their attention specifically on custom labels and stickers. Does the packaging give them the information and visual experience they need to understand the benefits of a brand and product?
"Whether it's creating New Year's resolutions, starting a new health routine to celebrate spring or getting ready for bathing suit season, getting healthy is a year-round commitment for many consumers," said AnneMarie Campbell, Lightning Labels' Business Development Manager. "Brands have the opportunity to become an everyday part of people's lives if their custom labels are able to reflect the items' health benefits. It's essential for companies to reevaluate the effectiveness of their labels. Lightning Labels can help manufacturers revamp their stickers and labels with fresh designs and high-quality printing at an extremely affordable cost."
2 Ways Your Custom Labels And Stickers Can Satisfy The Cravings Of Voracious Readers The content and design of custom labels and stickers can make or break a sale. Unique, aesthetically pleasing designs can draw a consumer in, while the right words, fonts and images will keep them interested in a product and might be the final factor that helps them decide whether to purchase. Here are two ways to give label readers the right info:
1.Tell a Story with Printed Labels and Stickers How is a product special? Where is it made? How was it originally conceived? The answers to these questions may be the source of a compelling, short anecdote that manufacturers can add to their printed labels and stickers. Consider including a blurb about why the company is dedicated to health as well.
2. Explain Healthy Ingredients On Product Stickers If a product has natural or organic ingredients, make sure it's clearly stated on product stickers, as more consumers are looking for these characteristics when shopping online and in stores.
Meanwhile, even though a greater number people are expressing interest in organic products, many consumers are unaware of what "organic" actually means. Consider adding a few short, well-composed sentences in layman's terms describing the word.
The same goes for healthy but uncommon ingredients like agave and active cultures. In addition, while consumers may be reading labels for health purposes, explaining how the product and custom labels were made in an ecological or sustainable way lets consumers know the brand is conscious of both health needs and the environment.
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