Calif. Bill Would Impose Sugar Content Warnings on Certain Custom Beverage Labels
This entry was posted on February 22, 2014
.Advocates Want Sugar Content Warnings on Custom Beverage Labels
California senator William Monning wants to require warning messages for sugar-loaded custom beverage labels. Drink producers would need to note on custom printed beverage labels when drinks with added sweeteners contain 75 calories or more in every 12 ounces, Fox News reported. According to Monning, there is research concluding that consuming too much added sugar leads to the development of serious diseases. The proposed label would state the connection between added sugar and obesity, diabetes and tooth decay. Since tobacco and alcohol products are required to have warning labels, sodas and other sugary drinks should follow suit, said Monning.
Calif. Residents Favor Sugar Warnings on Custom Bottle Labels A poll conducted on behalf of private health foundation The California Endowment found that California residents approve of initiatives to put warnings on custom bottle labels. They also believe taxes on these beverages should be used to pay for school nutrition and exercise programs, according to the Press-Enterprise. Foundation Senior Vice President Daniel Zingale said that consumers will benefit from the additional information, as they did from the labeling of cigarettes. Some beverage companies are already implementing changes in this area, such as California-based CalBev, which began an initiative for more clarity on soda labels starting in 2010.
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