Connecticut Lawmakers Want Packing Containing BPA to Display Warning Labels
This entry was posted on April 26, 2013
.New Legislation Would Ban Packaging Without Warning Labels
Connecticut lawmakers are once again on the hunt to require warning labels on food packaging. Previously, state legislators had been among the first to propose a GMO labeling bill; now, they are poised to vote on a measure that would ban food and drink products with packaging containing bisphenol A (BPA) unless such packaging has a clear warning label.
The bill now moves on to The General Law Committee for further consideration. If passed, the bill would require that by January 1, 2014, food packaging containing BPA must "bear a label on the front of [the] package … in a clear, legible font of not less than twelve-point boldface type."
Safety Warning Labels Would Add to Conn. BPA Restrictions
If the bill mandating safety warning labels is approved, it would add onto to the already voluminous BPA regulations Connecticut currently maintains. An Associated Press report said state law bans the manufacture, sale or distribution of reusable food and beverage containers, cash receipt paper and plastic containers - among other products - that include BPA.
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