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How to Create Labels for Heart Healthy Natural Products

How to Create Labels for Heart Healthy Natural Products

Create Labels for Heart Health this February

February is American Heart Month, so it's an ideal time to create labels for heart health. For many products, wellness is a great selling point. From healthy food products to nutritional supplements, there are many items that can be revamped to demonstrate health benefits. Make custom nutraceutical labels and stickers that demonstrate how the product can support a heart healthy lifestyle. According to the American Heart Association, certain choices support cardiovascular health more than others. Being fit and active keeps the body and heart in good shape. With the addition of a nutritional diet, individuals are potentially on the road to a longer life. By combining activity with balanced nutrition, consumers can reduce the risk of heart disease.

Heart Healthy Natural Product Labels Raise Awareness About Cardiovascular Disease

Using heart healthy natural product labels can grow nutraceutical sales. The American Heart Association says that adding certain supplements to a nutrient-rich diet can be beneficial. Labeling supplements that could support heart health can help brands increase awareness. February is a good time to make some changes to labeling strategies to show your brand's support for health awareness. Using red in labels can help grab the attention of consumers who are keeping cardiovascular health in mind as they shop. Your brand can also design its own heart healthy logo to bring attention to the best choices. Green is also a good choice to call attention to naturally derived products, since it's an earth tone.

Be Helpful When Labeling Heart Healthy Products

Sharing useful information is a good rule of thumb for labeling heart healthy products. Make nutraceutical labels that guide consumers toward the right choices. Include some helpful hints on labels that can assist individuals in their initiatives to achieve better health. While food products are a good place to put recipes and meal preparation ideas, nutraceutical labels are a better place for lifestyle tips. In addition to using these products to better manage cholesterol and other issues related to heart health, it's a good idea to give some ideas for how to be more active. For those just starting out, walking is a good bet. Encouraging consumers to take the stairs instead of the elevator or escalator could cause a significant impact in their daily routines. When you provide customers with advice they can really use, the result could be an increase in brand awareness and consumer trust.

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