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Digital Bananas? Ecuador Uses Custom Product Stickers to Attract Tourists

Digital Bananas? Ecuador Uses Custom Product Stickers to Attract Tourists

Country Employs Custom Product Stickers To Drive Tourism

To generate additional revenue, Ecuador's tourism ministry has developed custom product stickers with digital codes that will be put on bananas as an advertising strategy for the nation. According to Fox News Latino, the South American country decided to take advantage of being the world's leading banana producer by employing a unique marketing campaign using the popular fruit.

Ecuador created digital stickers with QR codes that tourists will be able to scan with their smartphones to gain insights into popular vacation spots.

Digital Custom Printed Food Stickers on Bananas Promote Vacation Spots Fox News Latino reported the custom printed food stickers will be placed on all of the country's banana exports. According to the news source, Ecuador is not the first country to employ advertising on consumable goods to promote tourism.

Max Gutierrez, CEO of McCann Peru, said Peru decided to utilize a similar advertising strategy to generate tourism, according to Fox News Latino.

"It's not about just making a National Geographic-type spot, but rather a lifestyle," Gutierrez said on a Peru website regarding the country's investment in culinary advertising, "I do not think that people travel to eat, a small group maybe, but not a mass audience, you need something more, food is a plus."

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