Promote Allergy Relief on Product Labels to Temper Seasonal Sniffles
This entry was posted on May 25, 2015
Bottle Labels Touting Allergy Relief Especially Sought After This Year
There are many great things about the onset of summer, but the rising pollen counts that send people hurrying to the nearest drugstore to scour medicine bottle labels for the promise of allergy relief isn't one of them.
According to the American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology, the prevalence of seasonal allergies to pollen from grasses, trees and weeds is increasing among the American population. What's more, according to Dr. David Samadi, a medical correspondent for Fox News' Medical A-Team, the harsh, long winter that afflicted many areas of the country this year is an unwanted gift that keeps on giving for allergy sufferers.
"The extremely cold temperatures we experienced this winter caused a delay in tree pollination, which is now occurring at the same time as grass and flower pollinations," Samadi explained in an article he penned for the New York Daily News.
In other words, rather than being hit by allergies to tree pollen followed later in the season by reactions to grass and flower pollen, people are having allergic responses to all three triggers at once.
Product Labels Must Inform Allergy Sufferers
It's critical that the product labels on allergy medication provide clarity for consumers. Some over-the-counter medicines cause drowsiness, which is ideal for people whose stuffy noses and itchy eyes are keeping them up at night but not so great for individuals trying to get through the work day in spite of their symptoms. As Best Health noted, other options contain decongestants that should be avoided by those who have high blood pressure or glaucoma. To put it simply, shopping for medications that promise to alleviate allergy symptoms could introduce other problems if customers don't select the right product for their needs.
That's where labels come in. If a medicine causes drowsiness, contains ingredients that could be dangerous to some people or has any other attributes that shoppers should know about, manufacturers need to ensure that this information is included on the product's packaging.
Striking A Balance Between Product Labels' Design and Information
Product labels need to provide information to shoppers - and that is especially the case for those stickers and labels affixed to allergy medicine. Manufacturers may be concerned that after they include lengthy ingredient lists and specific instructions for use, their labels won't have room for anything else. Lightning Labels can help companies in this predicament strike a balance between aesthetic appeal and functional requirements. Our high-resolution, professional-quality printing allows you to shrink text without compromising legibility, leaving plenty of room for your logo and the promise of allergy relief. Our vibrant, eye-catching labels will attract shoppers' attention to your product, and the small yet easily readable text will ensure consumers find the information they need once they reach out and take that bottle of allergy medicine off the shelf.
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