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Five Seasonal Beer Label Design Ideas

Five Seasonal Beer Label Design Ideas

Use Seasonal Beer Label Design Ideas to Target Different Groups

[caption id="attachment_8115" align="alignleft" width="199"]Use winter memories to come up with seasonal beer label design ideas.[/caption]

When coming up with seasonal beer label design ideas, it can help to think back to your favorite winter recollections and traditions.

The holidays are a time to make lasting memories, so consumers are more likely to gravitate toward products that inspire some sort of nostalgia.

Make the most of this by utilizing seasonal imagery on labels to target different demographics. Different groups will be interested in different imagery.

Use personalized beer bottle labels to get consumers from varying demographics excited about your products.

1. Try Seasonal Beer Labels with Youthful Spirit

Evoke excitement when making seasonal beer labels for energetic, vivacious drinkers. For this active demographic, the winter season brings the joy of extreme sports like snowboarding and skiing. Use pictures than emphasize the exhilaration of the great outdoors. Make a beer label they'll want to drink when they're warming up in the ski lodge.

2. Include Traditional Imagery on Your Winter Beer Label

Think of classic stories when creating a winter beer label for your brew. Older drinkers also have fond memories of the winter season, so this group may be more interested in classic winter imagery. Think of the visual elements addressed in classic seasonal tunes: sleigh rides, cozy fireplaces and window sills covered with fresh snow. Ice skating is a timeless activity that most people think of fondly. Customize your beer labels to capture the beauty of winter so consumers can experience it from the comfort of their living room or in a warm bar.

3. Trigger Childhood Memories

Many adults have fond memories of cavorting in the snow as a child. Think about the activities you enjoyed during winter as a kid. Did you like to go sledding down the hill in the back yard, or build snow forts? Perhaps you enjoyed a friendly snowball fight with the neighbors. These unforgettable memories awake the child within and can make for great inspiration for adults when creating your own beer labels.

4. Design Labels for Craft Beer Drinkers

You can include as much fun imagery as you want, but serious imbibers still want to know about what they're buying. Alongside your seasonal graphics, make sure you include important information about your beer. You can describe the style and tasting notes, and include what kind of hops or malts were used to make the beer. This group will also want to know exactly what style of beer they're buying. Integrating a hop leaf into the overall design can be a good way to get craft drinkers' attention.

5. Make Bottle Labels with the Dinner Party Crowd in Mind

Some of the fondest memories take place around the dinner table, where family and friends have congregated to enjoy the season together. Consider this when designing your beer label, and include information about possible food pairings emphasizing that your brew is the perfect beverage to go with a hearty meal. Make bottle labels that not only bring back memories, but create new ones as well.

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