Students Awaken Environmental Advocacy by Incorporating Coffee with Custom Beverage Labels on Campus
This entry was posted on May 02, 2013
.Student Group Raises Awareness About Custom Beverage Labels
Members of the Fair Trade Committee at Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles began Fair Trade Awareness Week by investigating all of the coffee on campus to see if it had custom beverage labels featuring the Fair Trade certification. According to The Loyolan, the university newspaper, the group hopes the designated week will raise environmental awareness and support of products with the Fair Trade label.
Products with Environmentally Friendly Labels Help the Earth For many students at the university, promoting products with environmentally friendly labels helps them feel like they have a positive impact not only on the Earth, but also on farmers around the world.
Darlene Fukuji, a member of the university's Fair Trade Committee, feels that promoting the labels on campus will help more students, faculty and staff be eco-friendly.
"It's surprising that a lot of people don't know what Fair Trade actually is," Fukuji told the newspaper. "The first step is bringing awareness to Fair Trade products that are already on campus. So hopefully, when students see the Fair Trade labels, they will choose to buy that over something else."
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