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Top Wine Label Trends for Updating Your Look

Top Wine Label Trends for Updating Your Look

Top Wine Label TrendsWine Bottle Labels Make or Break Sales

Packaging is crucial for any product, but there is no category of goods in which it is more important than wine bottle labels. Although people often say that one should not judge products superficially, many wine fans do just that when it comes to making purchases at liquor or grocery stores. However, crafting a wine label is a complex process - vintners cannot just make a label and be done with it. They need to carefully consider target audiences as well as the values and messages of their own brand.

Here are a few wine label trends that brands should consider:

1. Location is crucial Every location produces a different type of wine. A bottle from Europe may be more attractive to some customers, while others may look for wine from the United States. This may be particularly important when selling wine abroad, as a foreign wine may attract more interest than a domestic bottle, regardless of market.

"The U.S. is now the No. 1 market in the world, and it is a target for imports," Wines & Vines editor Jim Gordon told Wine Brands Blog. "This sets the stage for great packaging and labels. More impressive than the market growth is the growth of U.S. wineries, which took off after the Millennium, even faster than sales."

Wineries should celebrate their heritage on their labels. Not only can location be a key selling point, it is an important piece of information to provide to customers.

2. Appeal to the right demographic Two of the top buyers of wine - millennials and baby boomers - could not be any more different, and as such, vintners need to take different approaches when engaging them. Younger buyers may respond to quirky labels that are fun and energetic. Interesting product names, quick-response codes, funny promotional blurbs, outrageous bottle design - these are all elements that appeal to millennial buyers, according to Wine Brands Blog.

Baby boomers, on the other hand, may prefer a more traditional approach. Bold fonts and simple yet classy label designs may give a bottle a more upscale feeling, so if vintners are launching wine products for older crowds, a more classical approach may be necessary.

Of course, location once again plays a pivotal role in the design of wine labels. The news source was quick to note the Chinese market, much like baby boomers, responds better to traditional labels, so that is worth bearing in mind.

3. Custom Labels for Homemade Wine If winemakers are just starting their own wine businesses in their homes, custom labels for homemade wines are ideal. Whether they are looking to sell their bottles or simply want to start making wine as a hobby, labels can add a lot of class to these projects. Labels are important for establishing a brand and are vital parts of the packaging - even the best wine will have trouble making sales without a great label.

Working with a Custom Printing Company for Homemade Wine Labels

While they may sound expensive, hobbyists and startups alike can work with custom label printing companies to get high-quality, professional labels for inexpensive prices. Moreover, this can help inexperienced winemakers overcome some easy mistakes that first-timers may make on their own if they try to produce their own labels. For instance, a seasoned label printing company will help winemakers craft labels that will not wrinkle or degrade due to cellar moisture.