Are Your Health and Beauty Labels Ready for Summer?
This entry was posted on May 19, 2016
Make Those Labels Colorful!
Spring is in full swing, and summer is right around the corner. Although health and beauty products are popular throughout the entire year, the warmer months will lead many consumers to purchase specific types a bit more frequently. This includes lip balm, sunscreen, moisturizers, vibrant lipsticks and many other products, and if you manufacture these items, you will want to spice up your labels as soon as possible to capture the eyes of summer shoppers.
With custom health product labels and stickers for beauty items, the sky will be the limit when it comes to differentiating your brand from others. However, you will not be able to get by with muted colors or uninteresting designs this time of year, meaning marketing and product management teams need to think outside of the box and incorporate as much vivid imagery as possible.
Considerations for Beauty Product Labels
Beauty and health go hand in hand these days. Many consumers will purchase the items to both protect themselves from the sun and remain moisturized during the drier weather, but will also have some interest in spicing up their look.
For example, some lipsticks are beginning to have properties similar to balms, as health-conscious consumers look to be stylish and careful with their bodies. If you make these particular types of products, you will want to make sure their advantages are clearly stated on your labels, and in such a way that catches the eyes of consumers in the stores and elsewhere.
Also, you need to ensure that your product labels can stand up to the elements, as they will likely end up on beaches, boats and other summer landscapes. Durable labels that have pizzazz will often be the best bet for health and beauty products around this time of year.
Following Through
With all the work put into designing the labels, your company should ensure that it is selecting the right printer. If orders go awry or the labels and stickers are simply not what was expected, it could translate to time and resources wasted in a hurry.
Lightning Labels offers a range of custom durable labels and stickers, and boasts rapid turnaround times on orders. This firm can help you with all of your product labeling needs this spring and summer.
Request your FREE instant quote today.