Celebrate Earth Day with Eco-Friendly Custom Labels
This entry was posted on March 28, 2013
.Recognize Earth Day with Custom Labels
Once the sweet scent of spring is in the air, Earth Day, which falls on April 22, is right around the corner. Whether you're hosting a garden party or making the office a more efficient place to be, eco-friendly labels can take any task to the next level. Although preserving resources for generations to come is serious business, having fun while celebrating the planet's bounty is always welcome. The following ideas can make supporting the Earth a little easier:
Use Weatherproof Stickers to Host a Seed-Swap Party What better way to celebrate spring and the Earth than by getting everyone ready for planting season? Creating colorful packages labeled with weatherproof stickers to swap seeds can make a gardening party the seed-swap soiree of the year. Hosting a seed swap is the perfect way to get friends and neighbors together, and it also helps gardeners put leftover seeds to use.
To prepare for the party, gather some envelopes and custom weatherproof stickers to categorize the different varieties of seeds. Send out party invitations with designs that mirror the custom stickers used on the seed packages, and request that everyone bring extra packets of seeds along with their favorite gardening tips or stories. Once the guests have arrived and all the packets are on the table, unpack and repackage all the seeds into the custom envelopes to ensure all guests have something memorable to take home.
Reduce, Reuse and Recycle with Custom Label Stickers Remembering to recycle is not always easy, but it can be much simpler with the help of some custom label stickers. To increase the chances of recycling, a homeowner or business owner may want to keep bins near desks or other locations where paper and other recyclable items are likely to be. Order recycling bins and attach custom label stickers on them to differentiate ones for paper, plastic and glass. Keeping things organized with a system increases the likelihood that items will get recycled rather than tossed in the trash. It can also help to separate recyclable items ahead of time to avoid the stress that comes with sorting through a mixed mountain of waste later on.
Food waste items like banana peels, eggshells and apple cores can be collected in the back yard or garden in a compost pile. The compost saves landfill space and can be used to fertilize the garden and decrease the need for purchasing soil additives. Parents may want to make a sign with custom label stickers and attach it to a stake, then place it the ground near the compost pile as a reminder for kids not walk through it.
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