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Create Fun, 'Spooktacular' Stickers for Halloween

Create Fun, 'Spooktacular' Stickers for Halloween

Creepy or Cute, Fun or Frightening, Stickers are Great for Halloween

Are you planning a party this Halloween? Do you have kids who are going trick-or-treating? Is your company planning to use the holiday as a chance to promote your offerings? If any of those situations apply, you've got a great opportunity to use custom Halloween stickers. These can be bold, colorful and perfectly in tune with the spirit of the holiday. High-quality digital printing can bring the orange and black look of Halloween to life, with classic spooky imagery adding fun to your party.

Lots of Uses

When you're wondering whether to order Halloween stickers this year, take a moment to think about the many surfaces crying out for the extra bit of flair that a tough, digitally printed sticker can impart. You can hand stickers out, stick them up in a business or classroom setting to get people excited about the season, or use them to turn year-round items into autumn specialties. Here are a few ways to make a statement with stickers:

  • Trick or treat bags: When kids come to your home in search of treats, why not hand out several candies at once, bagged up and sealed with a custom Halloween sticker? This adds some visual interest, and is more in tune with the spirit of the season than just handing out fun-size candy bars with no extra adornment. And when your own kids go out trick-or-treating, they can decorate their bags with the same fun stickers.
  • Party decorations: Teachers who plan to celebrate Halloween in their classrooms or members of office party planning committees, take note: Stickers are a great way to turn a normal room into a spooky space that's perfect for the season. Hand extra stickers out to guests, or tuck a few away for next year - it'll be here before you know it!
  • Seasonal retail: When your retail store or product brand has a possible connection to the season - for instance, if you produce or sell candy, a little change in packaging can get customers excited for ghosts, ghouls and all things scary. Halloween labels for relevant products or simply a few stickers on top of year-round packages can make a real difference and reach shoppers who love the holiday.

Time to Order

September is flying by, so you may be wondering whether it's too late to design and print good-looking and tough stickers for Halloween. If you work with Lightning Labels, the answer is an emphatic no. A combination of all-digital printing processes ensures that turnaround times are lightning-fast and quality is high. When you can get an order in days instead or weeks or months, it's possible to make any holiday more fun on short notice.

Another advantage of all-digital printing processes is the financial ease of ordering small batches of stickers or labels. There are no engraved plates involved, so changes and personalization are possible, and there's no need for high minimum orders. This means that whether you're getting stickers for a business or your own party, there's an option that will suit you.

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