Fire Prevention Week is October 9-15: How Fire Prevention Stickers Can Help
This entry was posted on October 03, 2016
Fire remains a deadly and devastating threat facing homes and businesses around the world, but there are plenty of actions people can take to ensure their dwellings and places of business are as well protected as possible. Fire Prevention Week is all about reminding the public about the various ways to guard against the risk of fire. You can take this opportunity to print general awareness stickers, and use it as a reminder to print up fire prevention stickers that will protect your own loved ones or pets in the event of a fire.
Awareness Increases
If you serve on a community organization that wants to promote Fire Prevention Week, fire prevention stickers are a great way to get people thinking about the issue. Handing these out is a great way for local agencies to interact with the public. If the stickers are attractive and well-made, they could go on recipients' cars and spread their messages far and wide.
Businesses can also get in on this type of promotion. Fire prevention is always relevant, so any company eager to be viewed as a responsible part of its community can spread these important messages between October 9 and 15. If you sell products that could contribute to fire safety, or should be kept isolated so they don't become a hazard, attaching fire prevention labels to those items is another good way to ensure people and their property aren't harmed.
Warnings on Windows
While you're no doubt careful about preventing a fire from breaking out in your home, there's no way to be 100 percent sure one won't occur. For this reason, it's a good idea to consider putting warning stickers on your windows or doors. Unobtrusive decals can tell first responders if the home contains young children or animals, so they'll know who and what to look for in the case of a fire. Firefighters can better protect lives when they go in knowing more details about the situation.
Still Time to Order
While Fire Prevention Week is right around the corner, it's not too late to get your stickers, labels and decals for the event. Lightning Labels, true to its name, is a high-speed printing partner that can turn your order around in days, instead of weeks or months. Using an all-digital process, Lightning Labels combines affordable prices for sticker batches of any size with speed and great materials. No matter what kind of approach you're taking to safety labels, fire prevention stickers or alert decals, Lightning Labels can help you reach your goal.
Request your FREE instant quote today.