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Florida Cattle Farmers Want to Embrace Local Product Labels

Florida Cattle Farmers Want to Embrace Local Product Labels

Farmers in Florida Look to Put Local Product Labels on Foods

The "Fresh from Florida" marketing campaign, led by the state's Agriculture and Consumers Services, aims to promote locally made foods with custom product labels. Certain produce grown in the state, such as oranges and tomatoes, are already packaged with these food product labels, as are more atypical items like alligator, according to The Associated Press.

Cattle ranchers are among local food producers looking to place "Fresh from Florida" labels on their products. However, because their beef products aren't made entirely in the state of Florida, these farmers may find it difficult to legally place local labels on their goods.

Custom Food Labels Would Better Promote Products, Farmers Say The AP explained that while Florida is home to the country's 25 largest cattle ranches, farmers cannot use custom food labels calling their beef products local because they're finished and processed in other states.

With more consumers looking to purchase goods made in their home states, Florida cattle farmers have asked agricultural officials to develop a custom label for beef from cows raised in the state.

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