Gus Owens Maintains the Right Priorities at a Challenging Time
This entry was posted on March 31, 2020
Prior to joining Lightning Labels, Gus worked in a variety of industries, including insurance, printed circuit boards and wireless phones. “Being able to do something new and exciting led me here,” he says. Among the areas he sees as most progressive are “keying in on the customer experience to retain business and improved processes, technology and capabilities to make sure that experience is not only positive but can be repeated for success.”
Gus points out that the favorite part of his job is, “Working with potential clients and solving an issue or problem for them. With this comes building relationships, which I’m very keen on. One example involved a prospect whose printer shut down overnight. They needed fast, efficient service for a project happening in four days. I was able to assure them we could get the job done. We completed a rush order to get them their labels in time for a huge client of theirs. They switched all of their labels needs to Lightning Labels afterwards.”
His home life priorities also are clear and prominent. He notes, “My family means everything to me. My beautiful, wonderful wife of 32 years has been my biggest supporter and motivator. I have three adult kids, two 27-year-old twins—a boy and girl—and my oldest son is turning 30 this month. My beautiful daughter has blessed me with two amazing granddaughters, four months and five years old! Everything I do is for them. They drive me to do well so I can be a vessel of help and hope for them.”
To maintain priorities in intellectual, emotional, religious/spiritual and physical arenas, Gus reads, writes, works out and watches good movies. “I’ve always been an avid writer, poetry mostly. I enjoy reading scripture, self-help books and educational books. In my movie selections, I look for good dialogue, great plot and realism,” he says.
Gus Owens has his priorities in exactly the right place at the right time.
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