Inaccurate Vitamin Labels May Mean Extra Rays of Sunshine Needed
This entry was posted on February 13, 2013
.Vitamin D Dosage on Labels Misleading
Think vitamin labels are never wrong? Think again. While a recent study found vitamin D supplements certified by the U.S. Pharmacopeial Convention (USP) ranked close to the dosage indicated on labels, other D vitamins failed to measure a close percentage. The research found non-USP certified pills were between 9 and 146 percent off from the dosage amount listed on the labels. Certified vitamins ranked closer to dosages printed on labels and were reported to contain between 90 and 120 percent of what is stated on the label.
Inaccurate Labels Pose Health Risks Fifty-five bottles from 12 different brands of vitamin D supplements had their labels analyzed during the test. Five pills from each bottle were taken and used to record the bottle's dosage in each pill compared to what the label stated. Only 25 percent of the bottles tested met the USP standards.
Consumers who need extra vitamin D supplements could face serious health risks if labels are not accurately reporting the correct dosage. People who do not get enough vitamin D from food and sun exposure rely on the extra dosage of D vitamin pills for to maintain essential bone health. Inaccurate labels have left patients who need the extra boost for low vitamin D levels questioning how they can replace this vitamin. To ensure you are getting as close to the recommended daily dose, consumers should look for the USP verification mark, Dr. LeBlanc, one of the doctors who participated in the testing, advises.
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