November is National Peanut Butter Lovers Month
This entry was posted on November 08, 2016
Celebrate Peanut Butter with Custom Food Labels
There is a time in the calendar set aside to celebrate just about every food you can imagine, but November's a big one. It's National Peanut Butter Lovers Month. This versatile spread is great as part of a meal or snack, and is beloved by millions. If you produce either peanut butter or an item that goes well with it, this month is a great time to draw a little extra attention to your brand.
Custom product labels will look great on the shelves, helping your offerings stand out from the many other varieties out there. The changes you make could even be the first step in a year-round rebrand that will add appeal in December and beyond.
Multiple Ways to Draw the Eye
What kinds of new elements can you add to product labels in addition to nutrition facts, your logo and some descriptive text? The most obvious element for National Peanut Butter Lovers Month is a shout-out to the event itself. A colorful reminder that November is set aside for the appreciation of peanut butter could convince shoppers that this is a great time to eat some. Since your brand is the one that gave the heads-up, chances are that's the jar the buyer will pick.
Another option involves recipes. Putting a recipe on your brand's labels is a big opportunity to both celebrate the national event and give a highly practical suggestion. The path to purchase becomes clear: Consumers will see the recipe and decide that it sounds delicious - and to take it home, they'll buy your brand of peanut butter. This tactic even works if you don't make peanut butter. As long as your product can be prepared with peanut butter, you can tie it into National Peanut Butter Lovers Month and print the relevant recipe on the label.
If your items have particularly interesting health benefits, the branding refresh that comes along with National Peanut Butter Lovers Month may also be a great chance to update nutritional labels and make sure shoppers know the advantages they may be getting from buying the items. Is your peanut butter a healthy alternative to other brands? Is it rich in protein? These are the kinds of benefits that can look good on a label.
Lightning-Fast Orders
Since November has already begun, you may believe it's too late to create a tie-in to National Peanut Butter Lovers Month this year. If you work with Lightning Labels, however, your window of opportunity is still open. Lightning Labels works with all-digital processes at domestic facilities that can turn your order around in a hurry - a matter of days, rather than weeks or months.
When your business' success depends on selling particular food products, it can pay to keep an eye on special events and possible promotional opportunities. Dedicated months are a unique sub-set of chances for cross-promotion. If peanut butter is your offering of choice, November is a great time to make an extra push.
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