STOP: High Fat Content Ahead - Study Finds Traffic Light Custom Food Labels Work
This entry was posted on March 21, 2013
.Custom Food Labels On Menus Advocated For
Traffic light custom food labels have been all the rage. Recently, a group of U.K. grocers vowed to include such labels on foods in a bid to help consumers make healthier choices, and now the concept is getting attention stateside.
A recent study by U.S. collegiate researchers published in the International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity advocated for the inclusion of traffic labels on menus after they were found to aid diners in eating healthier.
Food Product Labels Like Traffic Lights Help Consumers In the study on traffic food product labels, researchers gave diners at Oklahoma State University one of three menus during the research period. One menu had no calorie information, another had values for each item, and the third had traffic light symbols - green for foods considered healthy and red for those with too much fat or calorie content.
By the end of the research, diners using standard menus with no nutrition information consumed 817 calories on average, compared to the 768 calories ingested by those with the calorie information menu, and 696 consumer by those with traffic light menus.
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